Short Story, Big Picture: MUST Be Active on Social Media

If I hear one more person say to me that they are “too busy, old, or have better things to do” than be active on social media…boy…y’all might need to start raising bail money now. Almost an infinite amount of information is floating around for you to use to build your business bigger with less effort. What TF are you waiting for???

Today’s Short Story is a piece to help you achieve your long-term goals, aka the Big Picture.

That opening may sound harsh, but think about what we are talking about here. This is business, it’s not personal, but it kinda is the point. Stop wasting your time and your customer’s time on “just following up”, “wanted to reach out”, “setting a time to check in”.

Here are three ways you can snag new or bigger business using social media in 2025:

  • Targeted Networking

    Your wheelhouse industry, the place you feel the most comfortable selling, they have groups on groups that all gather on social media. Join those groups if you can. See who the active users/posters are and befriend them. Then after you start doing a great job with their marketing and promotions, guess who they are going to show off too…word of mouth is a powerful thing.

  • Past Posts Predict the Future

    I know, you read that above and were like, “but Brandon, how do I befriend the active users?” Start by actively replying to their posts. Get them to engage a few times, then request a connection/friend. Now you have access to all their past posts. Take a few moments to scroll through their past posts and you will gain an idea of events or promotions they do throughout the year. Say you see something that they do every Oct, in July, send them a DM with some ideas for their event coming up. #BOOM

  • Share Value-Driven Content

    You MUST be active on your social pages for anything above to work. Now that doesn’t mean you have to create the content yourself. There are plenty of content providers in your industry too, like Mark8Media. Be careful what you share though…if you only share “sales” flyers then all people will see when they research you is Price. Do you want to me known as the lowest price or the leading solutions provider for outside the box marketing products? 

This is not new. For the readers of this blog, you can take a few moments and scroll through past blogs and see that last year at that last year I wrote almost the same thing! Now is the time. Whenever you are reading this, NOW IS THE TIME! Go follow Mark8Media on social media platforms and start sharing some content that will get you future and current clients to think of you as more than a price in a catalog for cheap things. Let’s be more profitable in 2025 with less stress, sounds fun, right?

Brandon Pecharich

An absolute powerhouse voice who has been crushing It in the Promotional Products industry for over 19 years working with all sizes and types of companies. Spent 8 of those years mastering the art of Importing quick-turn products. Countless more years as a Regional Sales Manager covering most of the country.


Short Story, Big Picture: Do YOUR Job


Short Story, Big Picture: REST to RECHARGE