Embrace the Media Ecosystem

Stop “one-and-done” campaigns that create marketing bridges to nowhere

Honestly, no more dumb advertising

What is a Media Ecosystem?

A media ecosystem knows no product boundaries. The ecosystem is fed by the discussions and stories developed across the spectrum of resources.

The audience is allowed to experience a greater impact of information — while additionally ensuring that a company is continuously present when they are the topic of discussion. Both sides win.

To do this right, foundational media programming must not be driven by impulse, but rather by branches of connection. Mark8Media has spent the time examining what needs to be present in the marketplace — and rejecting the cynical.

For too long we have accepted a failed attempt at Media…

That ends today

The Mark8Media Content Foundation

"PromoErrday" expands. Brandon continues to have the product discussion across a multitude of media — and social media. The next social media trend is found HERE.

"TRENDSETTERS" -- In-depth discussions with the one person who most directly impacts a Distributor and Supplier's business -- The Buyer

"Pitch, please" is all about YOU. Join a small panel of Industry Professionals and pitch your best idea directly with the Buyer who could make the order happen.

Each day there is another boulder and hill…"unBRNDed" discusses these challenges with Entrepreneurs and Creatives from within AND OUTSIDE promo.


everyone uses promotional products, every day.

Product videos where the buyers are.

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The product starts and stops with the buyer.

So why aren’t we speaking to them more often?


building a personal brand isn’t perfect.

All we need to do is tell our story.

Be a part of something better.

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