I have been writing this blog for a year now. Throughout the previous 12 blogs, you have read about crafting a quality introduction, being careful about who you listen to, and making sure you actually “want to” be doing this. You have read these blogs because you are proactive. You don’t wait for business or opportunities to come to you, you go out and get them!

Today’s Short Story is a piece that helps you achieve your long-term goals, aka the Big Picture.

Maybe you read that paragraph above and thought, “Do I actually go out and get the business or do I work really hard on finishing a project that I forget to make that next sale?” Here are three things you and your business can do to proactively keep that order pipeline full:

  • Location, Location, Location

-          Before the internet, your brick-and-mortar shop had to be in the city center to be seen by the most potential customers. Now, you can be in the right Facebook Groups or comment on a person’s birthday to trigger them to think about buying from you. Be where your customers are so they get to KNOW you.

  • Ask & Actually Listen

-          Genuinely be interested in your customer’s life and issues. The more you let them talk about themselves, the more they will open up. That gives you an advantage to be able to sell them something that fits their needs on multiple levels. Your customer won’t feel “sold to” but rather think to themselves, “this product is perfect, I really LIKE working with these guys.”  

  • Trends & Education

-          If you think about it, who were the people that you wanted to surround yourself with? People who were cool/trendy and the “they really know what they are talking about” crowds, right? So do your customers. Staying up on trends is not just for the youths, but can be a powerful sales tool for when a potential customer asks, “so, what’s new?” Join some distributor groups offering industry-specific education so you can offer knowledgeable solutions to your customer’s needs. Saying the right thing will make the customer feel like they can TRUST you. 

Being in the right place at the right time with the right knowledge and the right solutions is not as hard as reading that sentence again. Having a plan to get people to Know, Like, and Trust you, will always keep that pipeline full of sales opportunities. Thank you for reading this blog for the past year! 

Brandon Pecharich

An absolute powerhouse voice who has been crushing It in the Promotional Products industry for over 19 years working with all sizes and types of companies. Spent 8 of those years mastering the art of Importing quick-turn products. Countless more years as a Regional Sales Manager covering most of the country.


Short Story, Big Picture: REST to RECHARGE


Short Story, Big Picture: Are you Reactively Selling?