Thank you for exploring PromoEQP…

The email you received detailed the Trial Offer and your login information for THIS part of the program. Simply click WELCOME BACK and use the LOGIN and PASSWORD from the email to access the Supplier Profiles and pricing policies.

Additionally, once you have received your email, you can comfortably know that we have reached out to SAGE and informed them of your participation. This will ensure that your SAGE benefits will be delivered to you as expected.

The remainder of this website is to ensure that you are able to fully access available information for PromoEQP

PromoEQP & SAGE Integration

Right from the PRODUCT PAGE you can access the PromoEQP Supplier pricing policies by simply clicking on “PROMOEQP PRICING POLICY”… a pop-up window will open to detail the full policy and offered benefits.

PEQP SAGE Discussion Group

Within SAGE join the PromoEQP Discussion Group. This page makes easy seeing NEW SUPPLIERS, accessing the updated PEQP CODE, and important updates. Additionally, this is a place where we can communicate questions or suggestions.

SAGE Order Management

New SAGE Order Management integration automatically updates relevant PromoEQP data right into the purchase order for the Distributor.

As has been said before… Never hesitate to reach out to us. The only way PromoEQP gets better at serving YOU is to be hearing from YOU. All suggestions, reccommendations, complaints, and thoughts are welcomed & needed.