Day 1 of PPAI Expo: The introductory day for the new PromoEQP Distributor Advisory Board (DAC).
What is the DAC, and why is it now being created.
What responsibilities will this new council have?
Schedule meetings moving forward from the introduction of the the DAC.
The establishment of resources necessary to the DAC.
Creation of the process for coming to agreement.
To pre-register for the Distributor Advisory Council, CLICK HERE
*** NOTE: The DAC Meeting will run 8:30AM to 9:45AM… The PromoEQP Meeting Room will be an open breakout room for distributors throughout the day.***
Jeremy Chacon is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting for the DAC event.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 846 0128 7037
Passcode: 808666
One tap mobile
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+13017158592,,84601287037#,,,,*808666# US (Washington DC)